Memorial Day
Every day we strive to recognize all military members past and present, but this weekend, let us remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and honor the families they left behind.
They will not be forgotten.Annual Homeowners Meeting
The Annual Homeowners meeting was held on 22 March 2023. At this meeting, the 2023 budget was reviewed and a new board of directors was elected. Your Briar Oaks Board members are Bill Febuary, Sharon Mayes, and Susan Newkirk.
Pet Waste
Unfortunately, we are still experiencing issues with people not cleaning up after their pets and not respecting the private property of their neighbors. The Briar Oaks Rules and Regulations dated 6-23-20 specify:
Section E.3. Owner Responsibility. Owners are responsible for the actions of pets belonging to anyone residing or visiting their residence, including immediate clean-up of pet excrement. Costs to repair any damage to common areas caused by any pet shall be assessed to the responsible owner.
In accordance with Section G. Enforcement Remedies: Fining Structure
• 1st violation is a courtesy notice to cease within 20 days from the date of the letter for the violation.
• 2nd violation gives the homeowner 10 days from the date of the letter for the violation to cease before fining begins.
• 3rd violation will result in an immediate $25 fine per day until the violation has ceased.
Please note:
• This notice also applies to common areas as well as private property.
• Initial notice to cease was given in a previous Board email dated 4/08/2021.
• This email constitutes the second warning notice of violation.
• Instances will be fined $25 per occurrence.
• Any further failures to clean up will result in a $25/day fine until clean-up is completed.
Most are aware that the neighborhood is blanketed by high-resolution cameras, which make it easy to identify violations. Any reports of violations must be accompanied by photographic or video proof. We cannot accept secondary sources or hearsay when incurring fines.
Playground Safety
Just a friendly reminder that the play area is reserved for Briar Oaks Residents and their guests. If you should happen to notice people using the play area that are not from the neighborhood, please let a Board member know and we will report it to the Sheriff. We do not want any residents to endanger themselves by confronting a trespasser. Finally, while we will do our best to ensure the playground is maintained in a safe manner, it is an unsupervised area and subject to use at your own risk.
Stop Signs and Speeding
The Stop signs are in place for your safety, please obey the sign. Please be mindful when driving through the subdivision to ensure everyone’s safety.